The Importance of a Cattle Crush for Your Livestock and Property

The Importance of a Cattle Crush for Your Livestock and Property

Including a quality, well designed cattle crush for your property is always done with cattle handling safety in mind as it can aid in reducing livestock stress, prevent unwanted injuries and improve management and efficiency. Involving such an essential aspect of cattle handling in your cattle yard can help elevate your cattle handling experience and provide safety for you and your cattle. When incorporating a cattle crush into your yard, it’s important to understand how it will benefit you and what to look out for.

This article provides a better understanding of the purpose of a cattle crush and what main factors you should consider when setting it up to get the best possible results.

Cattle Crush – What is it and why do I need one?

A cattle crush is a strongly made cage that aids in confining your livestock safely as you examine them, mark them, or provide the livestock with veterinary treatment. The temporary enclosure improves livestock and handler safety immensely while also greatly decreasing the stress that is endured by cattle in the transportation process.

When considering which crush may be best suitable for your herd, it is important to consult with your veterinarian and ensure that your crush of choice consists of higher quality materials. This will ensure that both the safety of your cattle and the durability of your crush is sustainable long-term.

The importance of efficiency is never overlooked when it comes to the busy lifestyle of farmers. Although cattle crushes provide a list of safety advantages, they also provide farmers with an extra hand.

To ensure that you get the best possible results, maintain safety considerations and obtain all possible benefits, there are two key factors that need to be considered before the installation of your cattle crush: location and cattle behaviour.

Crush Location

When designing your cattle yard, location is a key element that should constantly be considered as the yard comes together. When deciding on a location for your cattle crush, here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Decide on whether your cattle crush will be located in a roofed area or not
  • Consider the side of operation – side you commonly work with cattle
  • Avoid sharply contrasting shadows or bright patches
  • Avoid potential distractions to provoke forward movement
  • Ensure cattle will be able to see ahead

Cattle Behaviour

A key consideration that should be on your mind throughout the development of your cattle yard is cattle behaviour. In order to correctly handle cattle, understanding their natural behaviours is essential. The greater your knowledge, the better your ability to predict their responses. With such predictions, you’ll be able to identify what will work on your property and what could potentially trigger an unwanted response.

Some key cattle behaviours you should keep in mind when adding a cattle crush to your yard include:

  • Cattle naturally want to return to where they previously have been
  • Cattle prefer to be surrounded and follow other cattle
  • They want to be able to see you
  • They want to be near and around you
  • As cattle are prey species, they have a fear of unfamiliar objects, smells, noises, movements and situations
  • Cattle behaviour can change in response to situations that they are in and the experience they have during handling


With an understanding of your livestock’s behaviour, you can predict potential stressors, handle equipment around them safely and ensure the most efficient way to complete all tasks. This understanding is not only for cattle crushes, but the overall cattle handling process. That’s why ensuring your cattle yard is built to the specifics of your livestock and property is a crucial step.

Cattle handling is a major process that involves time, attention to detail and care. In order to effectively ensure safe cattle handling, consideration and understanding of predictive behaviours, efficient location and safety practices is essential.

From convenience and extra support to safety and efficiency, cattle crushes are an essential part in the transportation process of livestock. Considering the location of your crush as well as the natural behaviours of your livestock will ensure that you are able to get best possible results from your investment.

For further information about how your cattle crush can be designed to your specific needs, contact Steel Supplies Charters Towers and our expert team will be ready to help.