cattle shed security

The Ultimate Guide to Beefing up your Cattle Shed Security

The old saying goes ‘prevention is better than cure’, so when it comes to your equipment and your livestock, it’s always better to have peace of mind when protecting your assets.

We know farmers have had been hit hard over the past few months, and with the current economic climate, farmers need to be on the front foot to secure their livelihoods. If you’re unsure where to start, then look no further to get the ultimate guide on how to beef up your cattle shed security.

The Facts

  • Farming Ahead’s 2017 inquest into farming equipment, cattle & sheep theft found that the average amount stolen from Queensland farms each year amounted to $10,000, with thieves selling cattle to local markets for $1,500 per head and at $150 per head for sheep.
  • Over 1700 cattle were reported as stolen in the first quarter of that year, costing farmers not just money but specific husbandry bloodlines.
  • With youth unemployment and crime hitting record highs, these figures are likely to increase.

Large Gates

Whether it’s machinery or livestock, the best way to discourage a thief is to make the logistics of moving things are much more trouble than they’re worth. Nothing does this better than a huge, locked steel gate, up a long driveway. Having a large sliding steel gate on the outside of your property will make it hard for vandals to make a clean getaway when they’re trying to haul large numbers of stock. It also makes it virtually impossible to take large capital equipment without you noticing and calling the police.

Steel Fencing

With a massive gate blocking off the driveway, cattle rustler wannabes will likely be scared off, but more persistent robbers might try to use cruder methods to access your property. Having an updated layer of sturdy, reinforced barbed wire fencing on the outside of your property and standard wire fencing on the inside of your property is likely to sap the energy of would-be burglars. Galvanised fencing is also a plus, as it will be highly resistant to rust due to the coating of Zinc or other metals which create a chemical barrier.

Locks & Chains

There’s no use in updating anything if you’re going to leave the door open. If you do lock your property, the best material to use is reinforced steel, with chain lengths to match. These are great for locking up barns, yards, feeding lots and your house, to keep your valuables in and undesirables out. We also recommend that you use galvanised steel, due to its high tensile strength and improved weather durability.


To protect a cattle shed or barn, you have to ensure you have all of your bases covered. Many criminals exploit the fact that doors have weak points in their hinges. By making sure your doors are supported with galvanised steel hinges, you can protect yourself not only from property loss or damage but also from the elements.

The Next Steps

The next step is put your plan into action by making sure you’re outfitted with the best solutions and material reinforcements available to protect your property.

If you’re still worried about the security of your property after reinforcing your property physically, it might pay off to add a digital security system too. There are many companies developing digital solutions for regional and rural businesses, including farmers, which transmit data between your iPhone and cell tower to back up all your info.

The right strategy to protect your property is the one that addresses the specifics of your farm and keeps you, your equipment and your animals safe.


For more information on how to beef up your cattle shed security, get in touch with the team at Steel Supplies Charters Towers.

Image source: Shutterstock (1833694879)