Keeping Brahman Cattle Cool: Best Practices for Cattle Sheds in the Australian Summer
As the Australian summer approaches, cattle farmers face the annual challenge of ensuring their Brahman herds stay healthy and comfortable in the extreme heat. Brahman cattle, known for their adaptability to warm climates, still require thoughtful care during these hotter months. This blog post will delve into effective strategies for maintaining cattle sheds that provide optimal conditions for Brahman cattle during the Australian summer.
How to Shelter Your Cattle This Summer
Summer in Australia each year brings higher temperatures, topping the previous year on how hot the country gets. Your cattle (particularly the younger ones) are susceptible to the heat so you want to invest in a quality shed to shelter your cattle this summer.
5 Tips To Keep Your Cattle Cool This Summer
Summer can be a tough time for cattle, especially if they are not properly cared for. High temperatures and humidity can lead to heat stress, which can adversely affect the quality of the meat produced, fertility, and overall health of the animal. In some severe cases, heat stress can even lead to death. That’s why it’s important to take steps to keep your cattle cool and comfortable during the summer months to ensure their well-being.
Cattle Handling during Calving
Calving season can be stressful and strenuous for anyone – no matter how seasoned the farmer. There is a multitude of concerns that farmers need to keep an eye out for: adequate nutrition, calving difficulties and disease prevention.Read more