Low stress cattle handling

How to achieve low-stress cattle handling

There are many benefits to low-stress cattle handling for farmers. Not only does it ensure the health and wellbeing of the animal, but it also leads to higher weight gains, conception rates, milk yields and even less susceptibility to disease. By achieving low-stress cattle handling both the farmer and the animal are rewarded. Livestock become stressed when something in its environment causes their control mechanisms to become overtaxed and thereby, no longer working effectively or efficiently.

So how can we avoid ‘stressors’ and ensure the livestock’s health? Here we break down 5 ways to achieve low-stress cattle handling.

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Steel Shed Storage

Benefits of Steel Shed Storage

No one would argue that valuables are at risk and unprotected when outside, and the resources on your farm are no different. Grain feed isn’t left out in the rain, it’s stored away where it’s dry and it can remain safe. The same is true for any number of things you can find on a farm. Thinking about this raises the question, what’s the best material to use for shelter? Although we may be a bit biased, we have a number of good reasons to believe that the answer is steel shed storage.

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Cows Grazing In The Meadow

Advantages of Keeping Comfortable Cattle

Livestock farmers are under both moral and regulatory obligations to take good care of all the animals living on their farm. But the benefits of keeping comfortable cattle goes far beyond avoiding costly penalties. Although this is obvious, it can be challenging to get the wheels rolling on an animal or cattle comfort strategy.

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solar panels can be mounted on steel sheds to take advantage of the unused space

Solar Panels on Steel Sheds

Think of a steel shed. A trusty though somewhat boring type of structure – there’s not much room for imagination so it would seem. But, as steel fabricators, we know and see all when it comes to steel sheds – and the pick of the day is solar energy. You build a steel shed because you need to protect the things – equipment, supplies, livestock – all that go inside a structure. But what about that space on the roof? Most people don’t even consider that it provides an ideal space to mount solar panels.Read more

The Australian agriculture sector has persevered through the challenges of COVID

1.5m Apart Cows! How COVID-19 has Reshaped Australian Agriculture

A year in review. Although 2020 is a year we’d all like to forget, it impacted Australian agriculture less than you might think. With beautiful rains on the forecast, and plenty of socially distanced land to roam on, what’s there to complain about?Read more

Take precautionary steps to minimise the impact of disease on your farm

Protecting Your Farm from Disease

The farmer’s workday is one of the busiest and most productive of any profession. Diseases and biosecurity can and will present serious problems if not kept in check. Despite that, they’re sometimes forgotten when thinking of maintaining a steady stream of work. While worker and animal safety are always the top priority of any farm, there are some threats that are less obvious.Read more

A custom cattle yard design is engineered to your farm's specific requirements

Why Your Farm Should Have a Custom Cattle Yard Design

While a good craftsman never blames his tools, it’s also undeniable that the right tools makes a job easier. Having the right cattle yard on your farm is no different. All too often, we hear from farmers who have been breaking their backs because their yards make their jobs harder. Optimising the flow of cattle becomes a lot easier with a custom cattle yard design.Read more

End-to-end service and world-class steel products

End-to-End Service in Steel Fabrication

Rural communities are tight knit; people depend on each other more so than in the city. At Steel Supplies Charters Towers, we’ve been lucky enough to build close and long-standing relationships with many of our clients. It’s with this experience we’ve come to appreciate how important end-to-end service is. Read more

Steel framing home build construction

Wood vs Steel – House Framing Materials

So, you’ve finally made the decision to build your own home – now the excitement levels are rising. But given the lasting impact of your building decisions, it’s critical not to rush them – spend ample time and effort making careful selections. Read more

Recovering from drought on Australian farms requires planning and preparation

Recovering from Drought on Australian Farms

The harsh Australian climate is an all too familiar challenge for farmers across the nation. Perhaps one of the most prominent issues of all are the impacts created by drought. Recovering from drought can be especially difficult as farmers try to manage their resources and maintain the productivity of their property.Read more

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